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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!
Once upon an Autumn day in 1989, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I joined the BBC as a Studio Manager at BBC Broadcasting House in London.

As trainees, we were frequently allocated to GLTS – the Gram Library Transfer Suite, though Suite is rather a grand description!
A tiny cell (note bars on windows) at traffic level, tucked away at the back of the gram library, we would transfer old, bizarre, rare & often irreplaceable 78’s and LP’s onto reel to reel tape, making them as clear & clean as possible. All without the aid of computers, auto-heal, or anything resembling today’s audio editing software.
We then stuck labels on the box, using a decaying roller with a little well of stagnant green water, for adhesive purposes.
The saving grace of this imprisonment, was the walk between buildings through a secret tunnel, that positively echoed with a tangible sense of history.
Plus, if you were lucky, colleagues would pop in to poke fun at you & perhaps bring tea & biscuits.
There was also the challenge of flicking a large collection of elastic bands at the window & seeing if you could hook them over the window handle.
Oh & the thrill when, on rare occasions, the phone rang! Gosh – you need my services urgently?! Heavens, someone is rushing a terribly important disc to me right now? Yes of course, I shall speak to you down the line immediately, & play out said disc, so you can incorporate it into your programme in whatever distant BBC studio you’re occupying.
I can still recall the dusty scent of mold, old records, rubber bands & decaying Studio Managers……
A little piece of history that is no more.