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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!
The leaves are turning, jumpers hastily retrieved from drawers and feet ensconced in boots once more. In the voice over booth, there are whispers of Christmas as the first commercials for the festive season drift in.
I don’t know about you, but with the transition from Summer to Autumn, I feel more inclined to hibernate, to cosy up, light a few candles and enjoy the warmth and softness of a woolly blanket or two. Even Posie, the studio dog wants to snuggle up and sleep more! This ties in nicely with the theme of this season’s yoga classes with Helen Roscoe – containment. We are encouraged to consider what we are willing to let go of (like the trees releasing their leaves) and what we need to contain.

For me, energy is something that needs to be contained, preserved and used carefully during the darker months. When the light returns, I will be bouncing around again, like a freshly charged dynamo!
During the Autumn, though the light has faded, the colours reach their peak, leaves turning from green to burnished golds and warm reds – my favourite tones. I choose to savour and store up the colours, sensations and experiences of every season. Like precious potions, I place them in imaginary jars. When a script lands, I choose from my collection and tip my chosen potions into the cauldron until I have just the right mixture to transport me into the lifeblood of the script, with true authenticity.

The variety of my work reflects the variety of the seasons. From the anticipation of Spring for an event, the fresh, sparkling brightness of summer for commercials advertising holidays and family experiences, to the warmth of Autumn and the coldness of Winter. Not forgetting that most magical of seasons, a micro-season all on its own – Christmas! Every season has a part to play. In recent weeks, I’ve used them all. Summer for a celebratory corporate event, Winter for some radio imaging ( a finalist for the VOX awards this year), Autumn warmth for some work with Mercedes Benz, a touch of Winter for an emotional piece for a charity, to the twinkle of Christmas for a few festive reads, to name just a few.
Every season is precious and it serves us well to soften a little, tune in to those changes, be mindful and notice the ways in which we are affected. May we adapt as best we can and be kind to ourselves. Let go of the struggle to hold on – Summer has passed, but it will return again soon!