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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

What takes you to voice over heaven? A heady combination of hard work, great scripts, synchronicity, team work and the power of human connection. That’s what takes you to voice over heaven.

Scripts synchronicity and voice over heaven - white clouds during daytime by Kaushik Panchal

You know you have a good script when...

It’s instant – you just want to run into the voice over booth & play with it. The goosebumps (or ‘bumpy stimples’ as one friend calls them) begin to form, and your heart beats that little bit faster. It might be a beautifully written piece of e-learning, a commercial, an audio guide or something else. I’ve voiced beautiful scripts about subjects as diverse as loneliness, creating boundaries, art exhibits and wild animals. Scripts that were written not just to be read, but to be voiced.

Some people think being a voice over artist is a cushy number.

Ah sure, it’s an easy option, anyone can do it and become an overnight success! Heck, it’s ‘just talking’, isn’t it? Erm, no. I’ve been voicing for three decades and I can tell you that it’s none of the above. For me, it’s a passion, a vocation. Ultimately, it’s not about me, it’s about you, my clients. It’s about giving you a voice and making it land in a way that yields the results you want. This is what I was always meant to do. It’s a long game, it requires patience, tenacity, creativity, empathy, daring, hard work. And, of course, the ability to connect with human beings on every level in a way that’s meaningful.

How long before you’re working with your ideal clients?

When I told someone recently that I’d waited patiently for several years to work with a couple of my clients, they thought I was mad. But I get it. Sometimes you just have to wait for the right script to come along. And whilst you’re waiting, you build trust.

This was one of those projects that ticked all the boxes.

And oh! the synchronicity! Just a few days before this script landed, I’d been thinking, “Hmmm, it’s been a little while since I voiced a TV commercial, it would be lovely if one of those slipped into my inbox”. Not only did it do just that, but it came from a client I’d been wanting to work with for some time. The script could have been written especially for me, it had that magical spark about it that I love so much and it had me running straight into the booth. You can’t beat a great script. The cherry on the top? A great director who let me do my thing, adding in a note here & there to make it really sing. Yes, this one took me to voice over heaven.

With thanks to a whole bunch of Top Bananas.

Another fabulous script was this really fun promo for Vikings Valhalla (just click the title to watch it), an absolute joy to voice for Netflix. That voice over was finalist at the 2022 Creativepool Awards in the Music and Sound category, too – a lovely bonus!

Scripts synchronicity and voice over heaven - Sara Starling - Creativepool Finalist 2022

I don’t just ‘say words’.

At the risk of sounding like a total mallard, I allow them to simmer, whip up experiences, images and emotions until I can embody all that they stand for in a way that will resonate with people. That’s when the goose bumps begin.

So, whether you want wry, dry and subversive, or something akin to the Summer commercial for Twycross Zoo that embraces all the excitement, anticipation and magic of Christmas, I’m your bird! Needless to say, if you’re currently planning a festive campaign I’d love to help. Wrap a few more demos around your lugholes & let’s talk.

Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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