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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

We all have an It. It can vary from one day to the next. I’d never really thought about it, until I read Jeff Eaker’s Kingdom of Failure blog entitled It. But when I did, I realised that figuring it out with canny copywriting and voice over could be therapeutic, and perhaps make you feel better about your own It, too.

So, I borrowed It, voiced It and sent It to Jeff. He liked it and thought it might be fun to add some music to It. A Polka! We decided we liked It even better with a bit of Polka.

Jeff wrote a follow-up blog about it and It took on a whole new meaning. If you read it, you’ll see what I mean.

That’s the wonderful thing about It

It can morph, enabling you to direct your emotions about whatever it is into his finely tuned prose. And you can do it with a tut, a huff, a raise of the eyebrows, or even a little chuckle to yourself, depending on the subject of it, of course.

What is it that’s bothering this little bird right now?

Ok, I’ll tell you. Neville Longbottom, the trainee studio dog. He’s not allowed anywhere near the studio at the time of writing!  The thing is, puppies like to chew cables. In addition, whippets have long legs and they grow quickly. This means that they can access things that smaller dogs can’t. Enough said. Consequently. it‘s easy to forget that in terms of age, young Neville is effectively, still a toddler.

Figuring It Out with canny copywriting and voice over - Neville Longbottom the trainee studio dog - a work in progress.

Time to take control of It…

Puppy training classes have commenced, thanks to The Puppy Nanny. I have clicker, treats and determination. We are working on it. Every day. At regular intervals. It cannot wait. Let’s face it, If I don’t work on it, it really will be a long story! But one thing’s for sure, figuring It out with canny copywriting and voice over has made me feel a whole lot better about it!

Now, what is it that’s bothering you? Is it something I can help with? If so, drop me a line!

Or if you’d just like a treat for the ears, listen to demos, or hop over to my podcast for a chuckle, why not? And if that’s not enough, soothe away those worries with another of my collaborations with the brilliant Mr Eaker – The Man Who Sits Alone Typing. It might just make you feel better.

Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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