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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!
Well, they do. In work and in life.
Thanks to my dog, I have met many fabulous people and made some great friends, both outside the voice over industry and within it. It turns out that dogs are brilliant at networking!
Only this afternoon, I was able to connect two friends & colleagues together, one of whom was seeking a specific sort of voice for a client. “Aha! I know just the chap!” said I. How do I know him? I know him because we struck up a conversation on a work forum having seen photo’s of each others’ dogs! It’s happened over & over again. They are a characterful common denominator, one that so many of us love.
Go for a walk in the park & you’ll notice that it’s the dog walkers who often strike up conversations with strangers, or perhaps it’s strangers who feel comfortable striking up conversations with dog owners? Dogs soften the intensity of that contact, but provide a fabulous, furry link between humans. Of course, they also help us voice over artists to stay sane, when spending all day talking to ourselves in a padded cell for a living!
In the words of F. Salvochea “The love for animals, enhances the cultural level of the people.”
Dogs are not only brilliant at networking, but they have a tremendous talent for living in the moment. We humans have a lot to learn from our canine friends, so here’s to an Autumn of being more dog!
The love for animals, enhances the cultural level of the people. F. Salvochea