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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!
“The script is around six or seven minutes long, so it’ll only take you ten minutes to record the voice over…”
“Erm…it won’t actually…”
“How come? Joan in accounts has it all figured out!”
Ok, allow me to give you a quick overview of what goes into your project, before we even open the door to the voiceover booth.
Firstly, over 30 years’ experience, but we’ll gloss over that.
Secondly, a decent vocal warm-up. Yep, that’s how I start my day.
Thirdly, reading through the script & taking the time to consider what you want to say, to whom you’re saying it, and how best to say it in a way that will truly be heard by your target audience. I don lots of hats before I open my mouth. I’m you, your brand, I’m your audience & I’m your voice. Empathy is key.
I don’t ‘just say the words’. A script is like a piece of music. In order for it to perform at its best, the rhythm, key, cadence (pace, pitch and tone), has to be right.
I might record it in one take. Or I may decide that it needs tweaks and record several takes, or finesse bits here & there. Occasionally the script may benefit from a few alterations, so I may offer some suggestions.
Then, there’s the editing. Most voiceovers allow for around three times the recording time for editing. I’m pretty quick, because I’ve been doing it for decades, but it still takes time and skill. And of course, there’s the studio, the equipment and the tools that enable me to record for you.
I care about what I do, in fact, I’m passionate about it. I care about you, lovely clients, and I want your project to be as good as brilliant as you, and your brand are. That’s why I touch base with a brilliant coach a few times a year, to ensure I remain at the top of my game for you.
These are the reasons why I always say, “It’s never ‘just talking’”.
And they’re also the reasons why I don’t recommend you ‘ask Joan in accounts to voice it’, even if it is ‘for the sake of consistency’ – & however lovely her voice may be! Only stick with something if it’s consistently excellent, I say – and thank you to those of you who do just that.
If I can help to sprinkle a bit of voice over magic over your next project, just drop me a line, I’ll be delighted to help. You’ll find downloadable reels here.
The accounting is all yours, Joan!