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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

“Hang on, did I hear you correctly? Free gift with every voice over session?” You did, my friend, you did.

Free gift with every voice over session - photo of gift-wrapped present by Jess Bailey

I was recently booked to voice over two online commercials. The client and an engineer were both on the line. “That’s nice Sara, good session?”

Yes, it was. Lovely people and we were all done in five minutes.

The engineer told me that his personal best was nine minutes and that was with a voice over artist from Scandinavia. Well, looks like he has a new personal best!

“Hang on, did you really say five minutes?!”

But what did the client say…?

“How the heck is that value for money? I want blood, sweat and tears! I want to see the work! I want to hear it! Feel it! I want it laid at my feet in spades!”


They said: “That’s what you get when you hire professionals.” And they left the session smiling, as did we all.

The truth?

The fact is, when you hire a professional, they bring a huge toolkit of experience with them, built up over the course of their career. In my case, over thirty years.

So, that means not only do you get what you want, you get it faster. I mean, let’s face it, you don’t suddenly wake up and find you’re Usain flappin’ Bolt, do you? That takes hard graft!

As I write this, I’ve just finished a session with yet more brilliant clients. Both clients and the engineer were surprised and incredibly grateful that we were all wrapped up in ten minutes. Especially as one of my clients was quite literally in the middle of bubble-wrapping her worldly goods to move house! It gave the engineer time for a much-needed coffee break, too.

Free gift with every voice over session!

Which brings me nicely to the bit I think you’ll like. Well, who doesn’t love a free gift? Especially when that free gift is something money can’t buy. The only precious resource that isn’t renewable.

Oh, you want to know what it is? Can I post it? Do I need your address? Nope. I give you that beautiful, precious, intangible thing we never seem to have enough of.


This little bird likes to give a sprinkling away with every session – and it’s like hen’s teeth at this time of year, isn’t it!

Want some?

Listen to my demos, check out my services, and when you need a voice, book this little bird and treat yourself to a little bit of unexpected ‘me time’.

(Oh & if you want a rough idea of the duration of your script, try a handy calculator like this one).

Treats all round!

Free Gift With Every Voice Over - Neville Longbottom, studio dog of Sara Starling voice over catching a treat. Photo by Lauren of Woof Club.

Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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