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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

As we hurtle into Spring at a rate of knots, I remember the friend who said to me “You never look back. Do it – it can be useful – remind yourself of all the things you’ve done!” Well, I couldn’t have done them without you, lovely clients, could I? So, come on, spring forth with your bird in the voice over booth!

Before we all start melting & sighing & saying “isn’t it hot!” I thought I’d take a moment to dwell in the cool comfort of the first quarter of 2023. A land of unexpected projects and invitations, of woolly jumpers, crazy whippets and walking for miles. So many miles I wore out my walking boots. So much mud I had to purchase new wellies!

Let’s focus on the unexpected.

You want me to write a chapter for a book, you say? Erm…. Ok! I don’t give a conventional list of tips in Voiceover Secrets 2, instead I wrapped it up in a story. The good thing about that book is that because the author of each chapter is different, there’s something to tickle every taste bud.

A guest lecture on voice over? For Digital Media Students studying Audio Documentary at Manchester Metropolitan University? OK! Let’s gloss over the fact that I didn’t know which building I was heading to or have the phone number of the lecturer who’d invited me, but know that I arrived, quite miraculously, in the right place at the right time, give or take a few minutes. I chose not to share PowerPoints, but instead to share passion, audio and encourage participation. And I was invited to return next year, so I guess that means they liked it!

Aside from…

Voiceovers for brands like Pfizer, Unilever, ITV, The Access Group, Nutrigums, Roche, Sanpellegrino and The Wildlife Trust to name just a few, I have to mention this beautiful explainer animation to help the bumblebees. The fact is, we need bees and those bumbles are a glorious breed, buzzing about the blossom & we need to look after them.  I loved voicing this project. In fact I love voicing scripts that have the power to make a difference full stop! This helps to explain what you can do to help. It’s nestled in the website of The Bumblebee Conservation Trust. And do you know what? In the first four weeks of launch, there were 118,000 views of this animation! Happy client, happy bird.

It ain’t over til it’s over.

Sometimes you discuss a project and it all goes ahead as expected. Sometimes it disappears into the ether. But every so often, it just snoozes for a while and comes back when you least expect it. Well, just as I’d completely forgotten about a corporate video client & I had discussed a year ago, it landed in my inbox, the script finally signed off! And another for a museum that had been under discussion for two years finally got underway, too, so never give up hope!

Speaking of the long game…

I finally voiced some promos for ITV after they approached me last year. It’s lovely when it all comes together, isn’t it? You never know who’s listening to your work, or planning to work with you until you actually hear from them. In that instance, a dubbing mixer who’d mixed something I’d voiced (but had no contact with) recommended me – how lovely is that?! I also heard from one lovely person who’d been wanting to work with me for ages & I had absolutely no idea! I’m happy to report that we’ve now worked together & it was a joyous affair. Alas, I can’t share the piece with you because of an NDA. Sorry!

Nothing has to sound boring!

And this little video about silicone proves it. Voice over from 20 seconds in if you’re in a hurry!

The lovely collaboration with Jeff Eaker that you’ll find in my last blog is anything but boring! If you haven’t listened, do. It’ll give you every excuse you’ll ever need to stay in bed – handy!

I’ve already worked with some real gems this year and I’m looking forward to working with you on whatever you throw my way next. Oh & one of my clients has been nominated for an award – a small local company stands amidst giants such as PWC & Coca Cola – cool, huh?

Spring forth with your bird in the voice over booth!

But before you do, I’d just like to say thank you for your company and your scripts. Wishing you a bloomin’ glorious Spring – or Q2 as the numbers people like to call it.

If you have a project coming up and you’d like to listen to samples, you’ll find reels here.

Drop me a line, chirrup or just leave a trail of seeds & let’s create something magical!

Bird in the booth Sara Starling with studio dog Neville Longbottom the whippet pup

Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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