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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!

The power of stories.

Remember when you were a child, how lovely it was to be read to? Tucked up in bed, or sitting on the floor, drifting into a world beyond the classroom. Stories are woven into our DNA. A simple Google search will reveal pages of articles on why reading to children…

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A life in sound

As my body thrilled to the vibration of voices chanting during my yoga class, it struck me that sound is my life! I always loved experimenting with noises, stories, reading aloud. I was probably one of the only people at school who waited excitedly to be asked to read from…

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There are Gremlins in the world of voice over & they’re loud!

Gremlins aren’t the exclusive domain of the voice over – we all have them! Our minds are busy places, full of noise, pictures & constant chatter. Some of it we’re able to ignore or filter, but sometimes those gremlins lure us into dark places. They encourage us to do battle with…

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It’s a marathon, not a sprint – in voice over land & in life!

A phrase that applies both to life & to the career of the voiceover artist. There are days when we pedal like mad, just to stand still. Others when we sail along, helped by a following wind, a bar of chocolate & a few encouraging friends! It takes time to…

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So, what does a voice over artist actually do?

Sometimes, when people ask me what I do, I hesitate… Ok, let’s be honest, occasionally it’s an inner sigh. But looking at some of the projects I’ve worked on this week, I have the answer! Communicate, explain, relate, guide, share, inform, motivate, inspire, empathise & tell stories. A little glimpse…

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Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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