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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

Tales from the BBC archives…

Once upon an Autumn day in 1989, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I joined the BBC as a Studio Manager at BBC Broadcasting House in London. As trainees, we were frequently allocated to GLTS –  the Gram Library Transfer Suite, though Suite is rather a grand description!A tiny cell…

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Thank you for calling.

Ah, the humble telephone. Who cares about that?! A word in your shell-like….. Have you ever ‘phoned a company, only to quickly replace the receiver after hearing a badly thought out, poorly delivered message? I know I have!  A simple on hold message can give your clients confidence in you,…

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Did you know that dogs make magnificent casting agents?

Well, they do. In work and in life. Thanks to my dog, I have met many fabulous people and made some great friends, both outside the voice over industry and within it. It turns out that dogs are brilliant at networking!  Only this afternoon, I was able to connect two…

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There’s a bear in the voice over booth?!

“Doesn’t everyone have a bear in the booth?” I reply, slightly puzzled… Apparently not!  Allow me to tell you his story…. Once upon a time, on her 10th Birthday, a little girl was given the roundest, most golden, cuddliest bear by her Grandma.  “Oh my! Winnie the Pooh, no less!”…

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Connection is a powerful thing.

Human beings have a deep-seated desire for connection. When you meet someone for the first time and you instantly feel connected, it’s wonderful. The endorphins surge. This person understands me! They’re on my wavelength! We are part of the same tribe! It is a joy and a privilege. It feels…

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A breath of fresh air!

Breathing. It’s the most natural thing in the world. How can we possibly get it wrong?! There’s far more to breathing than we realise and it’s oh so easy to get into bad habits. Stress, fear, pain and posture amongst other things, can all affect the way we breathe. In…

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The power of stories.

Remember when you were a child, how lovely it was to be read to? Tucked up in bed, or sitting on the floor, drifting into a world beyond the classroom. Stories are woven into our DNA. A simple Google search will reveal pages of articles on why reading to children…

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A life in sound

As my body thrilled to the vibration of voices chanting during my yoga class, it struck me that sound is my life! I always loved experimenting with noises, stories, reading aloud. I was probably one of the only people at school who waited excitedly to be asked to read from…

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What makes a good e-learning script? A voice over’s view.

Your voice over is your ally. A second pair of eyes and ears. They may be the first truly objective person to read your script and can help to ensure there are no bloopers. So choose wisely! It’s been an e-learning frenzy here recently! The range of subjects that fall…

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The magical power of nature.

The studio has been my second home for nearly thirty years. But as with all things, it’s about balance. Google the phrase ‘why being outdoors is good for you’ and you’ll find many different articles & scientific studies explaining just how it can help. Going for a walk in your…

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Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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