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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

Genuine human voice over with soul would like to meet…

Genuine human voice over with soul would like to meet clients seeking same. Those looking for AI need not apply. Good sense of humour, passion & collaborative spirit welcomed. Love of dogs & dark chocolate a bonus!

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Figuring ‘It’ Out with Canny Copywriting and Voice Over.

We all have an It. It can vary from one day to the next. I’d never really thought about it, until I read Jeff Eaker’s Kingdom of Failure blog entitled It. But when I did, I realised that figuring it out with canny copywriting and voice over could be therapeutic,…

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A fabulously festive voice over thank you!

It’s that time of year when I step away from the voiceover booth & the baubles for a moment to say: A fabulously festive voice over thank you! To you and all of my wonderful clients and fellow humans who’ve supported me over the last year, I really am most…

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A Big 100th BBC Birthday Thank You

I’m 5 years old, or thereabouts. I’m dancing around the lounge to the Top 40 on BBC Radio One. Didn’t we all back then? The next minute, I’m standing in front of a reel-to-reel machine, microphone in hand, saying “Please can you play a request for me & my monster…

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Free gift with every voice over session!

“Hang on, did I hear you correctly? Free gift with every voice over session?” You did, my friend, you did. I was recently booked to voice over two online commercials. The client and an engineer were both on the line. “That’s nice Sara, good session?” Yes, it was. Lovely people…

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The voice over that made a dream come true.

The voice over that made a dream come true? Have you lost the plot, little bird?! Well, it’s not every day that someone extends an invitation you can’t resist. It’s not every day that someone writes a blog about you. And it’s not every day that you send an audio…

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Scripts, synchronicity and voice over heaven

What takes you to voice over heaven? A heady combination of hard work, great scripts, synchronicity, team work and the power of human connection. That’s what takes you to voice over heaven. You know you have a good script when… It’s instant – you just want to run into the…

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The Power of the Human Voice

When was the last time you really had to think about saying your own name out loud? Perhaps you’ve never given too much thought to the power of the human voice, or that of your own voice? Maybe this little story will help you to appreciate it all the more….

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How to turn clients into returning voice over clients

So, you have clients, brilliant. But how do you turn those clients into returning voice over clients? You can’t bribe them with biscuits when working remotely, well, not instantly anyway. So, in addition to being more than excellent at what you do, you’d better come with other rewards, too –…

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A nosey at what this voice over artist has been working on recently

Who doesn’t like a little peek behind the scenes, eh? Well, I can assure you that no two days are the same at Starling’s nest. Allow me to tell you about some of the clients I’ve been working with & share a rather different fabulously fun project, and you’ll soon…

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Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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Join my newsletter flock!

I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.