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I’ll be sharing bird wisdom, original audio, recommendations and bits of work along the way to make this flight through life that little bit more magical!
The voice over that made a dream come true.
The voice over that made a dream come true? Have you lost the plot, little bird?! Well, it’s not every day that someone extends an invitation you can’t resist. It’s not every day that someone writes a blog about you. And it’s not every day that you send an audio…
Read this blogScripts, synchronicity and voice over heaven
What takes you to voice over heaven? A heady combination of hard work, great scripts, synchronicity, team work and the power of human connection. That’s what takes you to voice over heaven. You know you have a good script when… It’s instant – you just want to run into the…
Read this blogThe Power of the Human Voice
When was the last time you really had to think about saying your own name out loud? Perhaps you’ve never given too much thought to the power of the human voice, or that of your own voice? Maybe this little story will help you to appreciate it all the more….
Read this blogHow to turn clients into returning voice over clients
So, you have clients, brilliant. But how do you turn those clients into returning voice over clients? You can’t bribe them with biscuits when working remotely, well, not instantly anyway. So, in addition to being more than excellent at what you do, you’d better come with other rewards, too –…
Read this blogA nosey at what this voice over artist has been working on recently
Who doesn’t like a little peek behind the scenes, eh? Well, I can assure you that no two days are the same at Starling’s nest. Allow me to tell you about some of the clients I’ve been working with & share a rather different fabulously fun project, and you’ll soon…
Read this blogThe work of the self-employed voice over is never done!
When you’re a self-employed voice over, the to-do list is like a hungry Starling, crying for attention. Feed me! The business of running a business needs to be attended to. And unless you make a conscious decision to do them and crack on, those jobs will sit there, lurking in…
Read this blogMerry Christmas from the voice over booth at Starling’s Nest!
As the Christmas wind-down begins in earnest, it’s time to pause, reflect & say thank you! Dear lovely clients, once again I must thank you for trusting me to voice your scripts this year. It’s always an honour & a privilege, whether it’s a massive campaign or a tiny one,…
Read this blogVoice Over Artist & Time Lord
Voice Over Artist & Time Lord? Ah yes, there is hidden value in a session with a professional voice over artist. Why do I say that? I’ve had a lot of voice over sessions with clients on the line. Often, we’ll zip through the copy before the session time has…
Read this blogVoice Over clients – a thank you.
As we slide into November, I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of the lovely clients who’ve trusted me to voice for their clients & brands during October 2021. I often do this on social media in a fleeting post, but it’s about time I did it…
Read this blogDogs, voice over clients and waggy tails
What the heck do dogs & voice over clients have in common?! Dogs voice over clients & waggy tails? Well, I am writing this on International Dog Day! Yep. The bottom line, is that we all enjoy working with lovely people! It makes all the difference. Dogs don’t ask for…
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