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I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.

The birth of a podcast: Life’s a Gas.

“A podcast? But there are so many of them!” That’s what I said to the lovely Helen Roscoe when she urged me to create one. “You could just read stories!” she said.  In fairness, a troop of people have been begging me to read bedtime stories & meditations for some…

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Voiceover work & human connection in practice – a case study.

There are two things that you will hear me talk about often, the first is how my voiceover work is all about human connection and the second is that it’s never ‘just talking’. So, I thought I’d give you a behind the scenes peek into one specific project & client…

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Voice over, human connection & community, featuring Karen Webber of Goodness Marketing

“I think for me community is about playing an active part in the world around you. There is a great quote that is attributed to various people that goes: “I always thought: ‘Somebody should do something about that.’ And then I realised that I am somebody.”” Karen Webber – Goodness Marketing.

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Voice over, human connection & community. I talk to Sarah Hodgetts, filmmaker.

“Community is a bit of a garden;
a tiny seed of an idea can just balloon if you have the right people around you to help it grow.”

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The perfect radio commercial voice, cracking creative & spectacular sound – sorted! Part 1.

Why advertise on the radio?
“You can create extraordinary cinematic experiences on a shoestring. You can drop a cherry from a spacecraft into a lake of boiling chocolate.” Gerry Farrell.

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So, who the heck is this voice over bird?

I’ve been writing these little blogs for a few years now & my Welcome blog is buried under a pile of words! So, if we haven’t worked together before – or if we have – & you wonder how on earth I became a murmurating Starling, you’ll find it right…

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A sense of direction.

So, the script is written. The style is obvious, no direction needed. Right? In theory, yes, you’re correct. Often it is obvious to an experienced voice over artist. But – & it’s a fairly big but – there may be things going on in your head & the way you’re…

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In praise of the humble explainer video

When companies want to communicate information simply & succinctly, they often opt for an explainer video. I voice a lot of explainer animations for all sorts of clients & they come in many different shapes & sizes! But where did they come from? It seems that it may have started…

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Let’s work together

Like what you’ve heard and think you might want to work with me? Get in touch. I’d be happy to provide a short, free, bespoke demo to show you how I can bring your story to life

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Join my newsletter flock!

I’d love you to join me on this magical flight through life. I’ll be sharing recommendations, snippets of wisdom and bits of work along the way.